WalkingCrow Originals to the Rescue!!
In November of 2009, a lovely young woman, Melissa Combs,  who home schools children
at the Trinity School, or "Redeeming Mondays Home School Co-op" as she likes to call it,  
contacted me for some assistance with an upcoming project she had in mind for her
students.  They were studying about the Native American culture and she wanted the
children to each be able to make their own medicine pouch.  I have often been invited to
do presentations on the Cherokee culture at private schools so luckily, I still had a lot of
support material to offer.  

My husband and I chose an easy pattern for the kids and I had the perfect leather for the
project - some nice tan upholstery leather that would allow for wiping clean and also
resisted staining and was basically pretty kid-proof.  So we cut out 16 little bags and the
"thread" for them as well and translated each child's name into Tsalagi (Cherokee =
jaw-lah-gee).  We included a few simple words for them to learn as well as how to write the
Cherokee alphabet, instructions on how to make a dream catcher, info on mandellas, and
other little tidbits to help with this project.  We had a blast!!!  We wanted to share some of
the photos that one of the mother's took of Melissa working with the children and then a
few of the children with their finished projects.  There are also a few of Melissa's daughter
Sally checking out the contents of the box when the package first arrived.  She's just cute
as a button!!  

I hope you enjoy the photos and if you are a teacher looking for ideas on things to share
with your students about the Native American culture, I'm your gal!  I do not charge for the
actual speaking engagement but will happily accept donations to cover my materials. I DO,
however, charge for round trip transportation and cab fare to and from the airport, along
with lodging and meals.  Feel free to contact me and we can look at my calendar.  I would
need to know well in advance as I have a very full schedule....

Joy to you and yours!

Grandmother FiveHawks
The Students of the
Trinity School
The Teacher, Melissa Combs
Melissa's daugther Sally inspecting the
contents of the package upon arrival...
Melissa Teaching....
And just one more of
the kiddos with their
finished pouches....